A busy month for bad care stories

I’m sorry to have to report that it’s been a busy month for bad care stories.

The levels of poor care, abuse and neglect in homes across the country are worrying.

Fortunately I’m not alone in highlighting the issues, and sooner or later people will have to take action.

The most upsetting aspect for me is how avoidable most of the poor care is. Common themes emerge, and if good practice was shared and encouraged, things would be better all round. Sadly in our mostly privately run, for profit, elderly care system, sharing of good practice is seen as giving away trade secrets.

So if you are looking for good quality care always get help and advice.


and to read the bad care stories- https://ksccltd.wordpress.com/2014/04/14/the-bad/

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

After much thought I have added the final section to my blog site, “The Ugly”.

I have written before about how I monitor the various media channels for stories of good and bad care. I do this so that when clients come to me looking for care I can take a more longitudinal view of a care service. This is a better way of looking at the quality of care provided than other more snapshot methods, that look only at the present.

I have always found that care service have a history and this informs the culture of care provided in the present. So the history cannot be ignored. Alongside this though it shines a light on individuals and organisations who shouldn’t be involved in the care of vulnerable people. However these people do seem to somehow manage to avoid prosecution and penalty.

I personally had one such unsavoury individual on a staff team that I took charge of. He had wriggled out of the grasp of police and social services three times, avoiding disciplinary measures from three employers. One of whom was on NHS trust, another BUPA. I am proud to say he didn’t work a day in the service when I was manager, and whilst it took two years to bring him to justice he was eventually struck off the nursing register.

So I would rather report on the good care stories, and keep the bad stories to those services who are failing, but with work and investment could be recovered.

But the Ugly does exist, in living memory the big ones like Winterbourne View, Orchid View and Parkside nursing home, stand out.

I feel it a duty to those seeking quality care to make sure these stories aren’t forgotten, and are available for reading. As well as my services to help people avoid these horror stories.

The net effect of this since I started reporting on bad care stories is that the bar has constantly been raised at one end and lowered at the other, not for the best. Good care stories are few and far between and usually end up being promotional items for individual homes. The bad care stories are about homes failing inspections,a dn as mentioned the ugly tend now be very ugly.

So please don’t lose sleep, but please be aware.

Do Not Resuscitate, DNR/DNAR

Yesterdays High Court ruling clarifying the basis for the use of these notices is very welcome, and it’s been a long time coming.

To clarify a DNR-Do Not Resuscitate or DNAR-Do Not Attempt to Resuscitate notice, lets medical personnel know how urgently to treat the person if they have a life threatening crisis.

Clearly there are cases when the quality of life balance weighs on the side of leaving the person to pass. Personal choice plays a large part in this, and making ones wishes known!

I had an aunt who had been a nurse all her life, who made it clear to us all she didn’t want people “jumping up on down” on her chest if she keeled over.

I always advise families to be aware of these notices, and have come across case of people and their family being unaware of one being in place, such as in Janet Tracey’s case.

This ruling will help to prevent that happening in future.


Cottage Hospitals, The Return

It’s true! if you stand in one place long enough, (metaphorically in health and social care), things come round again.

For all of my career cottage hospitals were being closed left, right and center. By the NHS under governments of all colours.

So I was surprised this morning to hear that in an Interview with The Telegraph, the new Chief executive of NHS England Simon Stevens, is advocating treatment in local communities.

Is this a good thing?

Yes- Older people could benefit from local acre in smaller units with less emphasis on Delayed Discharge. Older peoples care could return to the NHS, rather than being outsourced.

No-Who is going to provide these units? I’m betting on the private sector, and we all know what the profit motive does to patient care.

Maybe-I will wait to see one in the flesh before I make my mind up.

For the full story:
