Cottage Hospitals, The Return

It’s true! if you stand in one place long enough, (metaphorically in health and social care), things come round again.

For all of my career cottage hospitals were being closed left, right and center. By the NHS under governments of all colours.

So I was surprised this morning to hear that in an Interview with The Telegraph, the new Chief executive of NHS England Simon Stevens, is advocating treatment in local communities.

Is this a good thing?

Yes- Older people could benefit from local acre in smaller units with less emphasis on Delayed Discharge. Older peoples care could return to the NHS, rather than being outsourced.

No-Who is going to provide these units? I’m betting on the private sector, and we all know what the profit motive does to patient care.

Maybe-I will wait to see one in the flesh before I make my mind up.

For the full story: