What’s going on at BUPA?

February was a busy month for me, and I didn’t get to the keyboard often. So I’m having an office day catching up with this blog.

Fist thing first check on the bad care reports for February

It may take a while, because it looks like there are a lot. Yes CQC are rolling out their new inspection model, yes they have raised the bar, but I don’t see that as an excuse for any responsible provider. Clearly those that are good and outstanding have been rated as such.

So first week in Feb, two BUPA homes in trouble.

What’s that about, when BUPA clearly have resources, don’t they?

I can guess at the answers, having experience of working for large organisations, but I wouldn’t like to post them here without a lot more evidence to back up any claims and avoid a libel case.

So in general my experience in large organisations would suggest that maybe these areas need looking into-

1-Priorities of the organisation. What is the balance between providing good care and making money?

2-Central focus. Does the centre know whats happening on the floor and vice versa?

3-Branding. Are these BUPA homes or homes that BUPA run?

Is caring for the elderly a punishment?

Silvio Berlusconi is sentenced to work with elderly people. If working with older people is a punishment I must have done something really wrong.

One has to question the message this sentence gives to those working in care, those thinking about working in care and those going into care.

What value does society put on working with the elderly if it’s meted out as punishment.

Yes I realise this is not the intention, and the primary aim is to punish, but it does send a message out to all about the value of working in care.

And that’s a worthwhile debate that we need to have.

Better pay and conditions for those working in care, would go a long way to improving standards of care.

Not all of the way, but it’s a big slice of the quality pie.
